Annual Report and Financial Statements - 31 December 2021
Along the obvious global impacts, the Maltese economy was also affected by the local
Government-imposed restrictions on free movement of people arriving to the country, and
mandatory closing of commercial establishments or significant limitations in the normal course of
operation of such establishments, which have created unique operational circumstances and
major business disruption, resulting in severe extremes of performance indicators in 2020, which
continued in 2021. These developments impacted the property market too, where the number of
property transactions during the years have been impacted and also the way and process such
transactions have been executed, comparing to previous years, but the actual transactions prices
have not lowered/changed significantly. Buyers’ interest in certain property segments has resulted
in a price increase, which is driven by the fear from increasing inflation. Obviously, due to the
continued market disruption and global developments related to Covid-19, the revenues
generated by rented/leased properties were lower during the year. While these impacts are
considered temporary and short-term by both market players and regulators, the speed of
recovery remains a question. As a result of all this, the usual property valuation mechanisms, and
techniques, such as comparative prices or DCF-based valuations are challenging and in certain
cases even impossible. Relevant transactional evidence might show significant deviance from
long-term trends, or might not exist, or its basis of agreement could reflect the one-off impacts of
special unusual conditions. Rental/lease revenues have also been impacted by the Covid-19
situation and are similarly difficult to assess and considered generally inadequate for long-term
judgements. In 2020 and 2021 they showed extreme deviance, and high volatility, reflecting the
operational conditions. Despite the short-term negative impacts, long-term trends are considered
favourable. In VBL’s experience the actual (i.e. closed transactions) Valletta property market
prices are reflecting the general inflationary fears of the local and international markets, while ask
prices have continued to increase. It can be concluded that for the period since the beginning of
the Covid-19 pandemic, property markets have increased uncertainty in valuation approaches,
and in some cases, valuations are occasionally accompanied by a declaration of material
valuation uncertainty.
These market developments and valuation difficulties were recognized by the relevant
professional bodies - such as Kamara tal-Periti (KtP) in Malta, Royal Institution of Chartered
Surveyors (RICS) and The European Group of Valuers’ Associations (TEGova) (see also below)
and all major professional associations issued relevant guidelines for handling the valuation
challenges under the COVID-19 situation. These recommendations and guidelines generally
propose a similar approach to the valuation issues and suggest close monitoring of the market
developments and revaluation of the assets when conditions are more stable and markets return
to normal.
The Company also assumes that when it identifies, acquires, or constructs an investment
property, along the lines of its investment strategy, the fair value of the investment property is not
always reliably determinable on a continuing basis and therefore in such cases it values the
investment property at cost until its fair value becomes reliably determinable, or until certain
critical parameters are met (e.g. clean ownership title, fully paid purchase price and related costs,
established ownership of a development-size property, etc.). As this process is often lengthy
(might take even several years), the recognition of value at cost in the Annual Financial
Statements represents a conservative but fair picture of the asset value, at that stage of the
acquisition process.
The book value of the property held by the Company has been increased by €6,342,211 to reflect
the established fair value as at 31 December 2021, reflecting several different factors and
adjustments to the individual property values, including the downward adjustment to certain
property categories resulting from the developments of the past two years, and reflecting
improvements and additions to the portfolio during the year, resulting from the acquisition and
development activity of the Company.